*                                                                        *
* LangBox International                                                  *
* Immeuble SPACE, bat. B                                                 *
* 208/212, Route de Grenoble - 06200 Nice - France                       *
* Tel +33 (0) 4 9371 1410 - Fax +33 (0) 4 9371 1560                      *
* Email: arazilla@langbox.com                                            *
*                                                                        *
Fri Aug  4 19:11:49 MDT 2000

                   --   ARAZILLA SETUP ON LINUX   --



Download the XLANGBOX-ARA Font package for Linux from 

Install it with the command:

	rpm -r arafontfull-1.2-4.i386.rpm

Check if the LangBox fonts are installed on the X Server after the installation 
with the command:

	xlsfonts | grep lbi-

Otherwise the XLANGBOX-ARA Arabic fonts will not be loaded and have to be
manually loaded by: 

	xset fp+ /usr/lib/X11/fonts/arabic/misc 

- get the AraZilla distribution from:


- install AraZilla as root as follow:

        create a directory (ex. AraZilla)
        cd AraZilla
        gzip -cd arazilla-i686-pc-linux-build20001010.tar.gz | tar xvf -

- Edit ./arazilla script and edit the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME variable setting
  to reflect your installation arazilla directory.
  Then save ./arazilla in /usr/local/bin or somewhere else which appears
  in $PATH

- Run the following script as root at least once :
     ./arazilla -selectprofile
  in order to register all the components and create the "component.reg" file.
  You will be prompted to create a user profile, you have to create a default User
  profile.  Then click exit.

- From this point, any user may just call arazilla to launch the
  browser, with or without parameters:

  arazilla http://www.arabvista.com

  arazilla -mail

  arazilla -chat

  Then you can browse in Arabic.

UPDATE A BETA1 INSTALLATION (on a BETA 0531 or 0622 installation)

STEP1 - Install the new AraZilla 0804 distribution

The procedure is as follow:

- Be root

- Remove the old /.mozilla/ directory and the ~username/.mozilla/ if exists.

- get the AraZilla binary distribution from:


- install AraZilla as root as follow:

        create a directory (ex. AraZilla)
        cd AraZilla
        gzip -cd arazilla-i686-pc-linux-build20001010.tar.gz | tar xvf -

- Edit ./arazilla script and edit the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME variable setting
  to reflect your installation arazilla directory.
  Then save ./arazilla in /usr/local/bin or somewhere else which appears
  in $PATH

- Run the following script as root at least once :
     ./arazilla -selectprofile
  in order to register all the components and create the "component.reg" file.
  You will be prompted to create a user profile, you have to create a default User
  profile.  Then click exit.

- From this point, any user may just call arazilla to launch the
  browser, with or without parameters:

  arazilla http://www.arabvista.com

  arazilla -mail

  arazilla -chat

  Then you can browse in Arabic.


In order to run AraZilla from a remote worstation or an X terminal display,
the Arabic fonts package has to be installed on this specific terminal.

This operation is very simple and straight forward:

- Get the Arabic font package :

Download the XLANGBOX-ARA Font package for Linux from 

Be root and install it with the command:

	rpm -r arafontfull-1.2-4.i386.rpm

Check if the LangBox fonts are installed on the X Server after the installation 
with the command:

	xlsfonts | grep lbi-

Otherwise the XLANGBOX-ARA Arabic fonts will not be loaded and have to be
manually loaded by: 

	xset fp+ /usr/lib/X11/fonts/arabic/misc 

You can now log on the Linux server, set the DISPLAY variable to reflect your
workstation X display and export it, then run arazilla as on the server.

Basic Usage:

Screen direction
The Default screen direction is Left to Right - You may select the Right-to-Left
duynamicaly by the view menu or permanentely by editing the preference file:

and replace the line:

        user_pref("browser.display.direction", 0);  
        user_pref("browser.display.direction", 1);  

Keyboard switch
By default, the English Keyboard (EN) layout is active. The user can swicth to
a virtual Arabic Keyboard (AR) layout and come back to the English one.
The Keyboard switch (from EN to AR or from AR to EN) can be done by either :

The default layout is the "Microsoft" one (because most of Engraved PC keyboard
are just following this layout), however, the layout mapping is customizable (See 
AR_KBDMAPFILE variable setting) 

A virtual Keyboard interface is available in the icon bar menu "Arabic KBD" :
This interface open a popup window which allows to make input with the mouse.

Arabic codesets
While browsing, the browser read the HTML charset meta value so set its
codeset :
These values could be either:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-6"> 
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

according the codeset use to create the HTML page content.

Remark: Some Arabic sites are not followed this HTML compliance and just
define and charset=ISO-8859-1 or not charset definition at all.
You may verify this by the view source option menu.
If this Meta definition is missing, you may anyway force the input
codeset using the menu:
        --> View --> Character Coding --> Arabic LBI Add --> Windows-1256
        --> View --> Character Coding --> Arabic LBI Add --> ISO-8859-6
        --> View --> Character Coding --> Multibyte --> UTF-8

Some sites (like www.ahram.org.eg for instance) that use Dynamic Fonts
(PFRs) and then don't follow any Arabic charset. These site are not supported
since PFR are not supported by Mozilla.

Font selection:

The Arabic fonts are normally selected by default to diplay Arabic text,
however, you may adapt this for permanent environment:
You go to :
        -> Edit -> Preference -> fonts
           -> Select Fonts for "Arabic"  (last entry in the list)
           ---> Serif: lbi-naskhi-iso8859-6
           ---> Sans Serif: lbi-naskhi-iso8859-6
           ---> Monospace:  lbi-arabic8x-iso8859-6
           ---> select the sizes you want
           ---> Check "always use my font setting"
           -> OK

0804 Release Limitations:

- The compose new mail windows crashes when in RTL mode due to a Mozilla bug.

- Postscript Printing support is under development.

The LangBox team is still working on the project - Please send your comments
to : arazilla@langbox.com